Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dolgville Prom 2010

May 15th, 2010
Dolgville High School

This was the best day of my life. My 1st prom.... an expirence I'll never forget. I was crazy nervous, i was going to be the only person from my school there and i was afraid i was going to feel left out. But everyone there was really nice. All his friends included me when we were dancing and introduced me to everyone. His friends kept telling me how beautiful I was and wondering how he got me.
He took me to dinner at Beardslee Manor (its my favorite place & haunted). The prom theme was "Under The Stars". I loved all his friends. One girl (his ex from before me) wanted to dance with him... so i let her. I danced with her date (& we are now good friends). He treated me like a princess the whole nite.
At one point, we went outside to sit in the court yard that they had decorated with candles and lights. It was so romantic and beautiful. I had an origional dress and a hot date. It really was an amazing nite.
And even though we didn't go out and party ( I had a curfew) we still had a good time just hanging out and talking =)


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