Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow today was crazy. I had a thought today.........
Someone made a comment about how they would be totally miserable if they were married at 16 years old, because they don't know if they've met their true love yet.
But I Think it's possiable to meet someone a 16 and that person really be their soul mate.
Don't you?
I mean think about it this way..........
hundreds of years ago.....actually not even that long ago, girls were married off at 16 and sometimes way younger. Like royalty for example they were often bethrothed at birth and were never really given a chance to find true love.
Like really, off the top of my head, i can think of at least 3 example (fictional or no) who found love at a young age.
1 - Romeo & Juilet...... i mean sure they both die, but they go TOGETHER!!!!
2 - Rose Dewitt-Beaucater & Jake Dawson........ she gave up everything for him and he did the same for her. I think they both die to come to thin of it.
3 - Noah & Allie Calhoun......... no matter what happened they always came back to one another.
But I'm not sure i could really ever imagen marrying one of the poor fools from my school.... hence my point that i don't date guys from my school. Or maybe the point is not TRUE LOVE but FIRST LOVE!
Either way, think about it....... Would you marry at your age....whatever that age maybe?

1 comment:

  1. Every girl I fall in love with, I feel like they're the ONE. It turns out they're not and I just move on with another nasty scar in my heart. As for the marrying at my age (16), Perhaps I would
