Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Migrane Attack & So Much More

Yesterday I had a migrane attack in school. Everyone has different simptoms and everyone takes slightly different forms of medication. My right arm went numb and i dropped one of my sculpture (it didn't break thank god!), then the right side of my face followed suit. I couldn't speak normally (I've hear a 1 year old who could speak better english) and i was shaking like my blood sugar dropped.
My mom made me go to school because neither of us recongnized the simptoms. i collapsed on the bus (Nobody saw) and i couldn't even listen to my Ipod cause the music was making me want to throw up. You know there's something wrong with me when i can't listen to music. My friend Elina said i was looking right at her and i don't even remember seeing her. Somehow I made it to teh chorus room and my music professor sent me to my homeroom (French Level 3). Our school Nurse doesn't come in until after 8:30 and classes start at 7:50. So I was toally screwed.
Eventually the nurse got in and
THEN she decides to give me a hard time about it. She said it looked like i was faking. How the HELL to you fake a migrane???? I mena really now!!! So my mom came and got me and then conviently the nurse "remember" that she had my medication from the last time it happened. I was flipping pissed! If I'd been able to walk in a straight line without falling over from dizziness i would've flipped out. That was totally UNCALLED for and I Know for a fact she didn't forget, cause she picked me up off the floor the last time it happened.
it's total bogus, but i slept for 7 houts, misssed my last track meet and my last chance to qualify for sectionals, ate, and got another migrane.
Life Sucks!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't get mad, 'cause of the nurse. Almost all adults are like that. They just don't get us kids.
