Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What is Love?

A few days ago, I was at a bonfire with some our family friends. They have two daughters: one is 7 and the older one is 10. while the little one was playing at the park with her friends, the older one said she wanted to ask me a question. So she grabbed a blanket, and we sat under the stars. I showed her the big dipper, ursala major, and the little dipper. no one had ever showed her before.
She was quiet for a while and I though she'd fallen asleep. But then she looked up at me. She asked me if I'd ever been in love before. Smiling, I told her "yes".
Then she asked me if he loved me...... and I told her "i think so".

It was quiet again. The she asked me...... "Emma... what IS love?"
I looked at her, at this little 10 year old girl who wanted me to explain what love is. How do you answer that question..... a question with infinate definations. I decided to tell her what it ment to me.

"It's different to everybody Marissa....just remember that. To me... its the feeling that someone couldn't live without you and that when your not with them.. its like your missing a part of yourself. you'll do anything for that person no matter how bad they hurt you or how bad they break your heart. you'll remember him till the day you die and every moment you spent together. You fight, break up, maybe even move on... but everything comes back to him and no matter how hard you try... you can never forget. Because he was apart of you and when he's gone, that piece is missing.....
It's waking up to him calling you just to say he loves you and to wish you a good day. It's him hugging you when you cry and kissing your forehead. It's just the feeling inside.... when everything makes sense and it just feels right. It isn't always easy and sometimes you'll want to throw him into oncoming traffic but then you realize you'd kill yourself trying to save him. Thats just how it is."

Then she shocked me by asking..."Emma do you love Cj?"
"Will you be together forever...?"
I shrugged. "depends on how you look at it. We might break up, i might move away so maybe not always together physically but he'll always be in my memories and in my heart. so yes technacally we'll be together for a long time."
"Does that make sense?"
she nodded. and i found out later from her dad that she had a little admirer at school who told her he loved her. <3

1 comment:

  1. That was really nice. A dictionary couldn't have had a better definition that.
