Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Thoughts

kay kay ppl! i'm atrating another blogg later. YAY! o wait there is no one to celebrate with cause no one is reading this!! XD silly me. :P
haha so i'm bored and i forgot my notebook at home so i have nothing to write. wow thats lame! i need a life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so i'll just make a list of things i want right now! XD
1.) A FREAKIN CAR PPL! hopefully a punchbuggy convertable in a bright pruple.
2.)maybe a boy friends who loves me.....maybe not. i.d.c
3.) to go far far away from frankfort, NY
4.) my life/ the world to make sence finally.
5.) i want poeple to say what they mean and stand by it.
6.) i want a really big smoothie! berry flavored babay!
7.) a hugg, i kinda feel like crying : (
8.) TEXTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Now a list of my Goals in life:
1.) Go to Northwestern University
2.) Move out asap.
3.) Become a successful writer of some kind....most likely fiction.
4.) Study forensic Anthoropology.
5.) Be successful in life and never need help.
6.) Travel the world and write my books.
7.) Fall in love and be happy XD
8.) Take chances and live life to the fullest.
Now a list of fears:
1.) CLOWNS! they scare the shit out of me!!!
2.) Snakes EWWWWWW!
3.) Spiders *see above*
4.) White Jeeps (i was hit by one)
5.) The nissan comercials where the ppl become the earth, water, sky etc....its just NOT NATURAL!!!
okay i'm done now lol ttus!

1 comment:

  1. What's so scarry about a stupid clown? They're just idiots wearing makeup. Snakes and spiders I understand, but clowns? So your writing books?Cool same here, I'm working on one right now! I'm like in the thire chapter but keep going back and adding stuff. It's one of the best ideas I ever had.
