Tuesday, May 4, 2010

After 10 months of being M.I.A. I'm BACK! and here to stay.
So much has happened that I'm not sure where to start.......
I'm not with the boyfriend i was with last time i blogged, Dylon. He left me after our One Month for my best friend Sammi. But then he dumped her for his best friends lil sister. So hes all whatever now. about a month after we broke up, i meet thsis awesome guy at a concert and now after talking since October, we're dating! He's takine me to prom next saturday at his highschool. My dress is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!! Its so perfect for me. We're going to dinner at Beardly Manor with our families. It's going to be amazing!!!
He's wicked sweet and makes me feel special. i really lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend. =)

1 comment:

  1. Good. I hope he doesn't do the same as your last boyfriend:Dylon. Good luck and Cheerio
