Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally Back YAY!

hi Mon Amies!
Sorry it took so long. I mean its been over a MONTH! Haha Miss me much? XD
Just thought ii'd finally up date my page because SOOOOO much has happened in the last 36 days!!!
Okay so in my last post, under my list of things i wanted, i listed a boyfriend.
He's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! On Monday the 31st it wil be 2 Weeks! YAY!
He's has been one of my closestfriends for a few years now and.........Im at a loss for words XD.
I spent yesterday with him at his Grandparents house. We went swimming and got majorly sunburnt! hahaha We had a good time drowning our friend Brandon when he got to annoying lol! ( for the recored he is still alive at my request). HA!
Yeah so my parents are gone this weekend to Maine and New Hampshire to visit friends and family. i have to stay here for a photo-thing. not quite sure what it is, but O-Well! ha
Yeah so my b-day was August 5 th and i had an amazing party the week after. almost all my besties came up and we played guitar hero and had a HUGE water ballon fight. They all ganged up on me and so needless to say i'm the one who eneded up soaking wet! they are SOOO mean to me! haha but i guess they were mjust doing their job XD!
Kay thats is all i feel like writing now! TTUS

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Thoughts

kay kay ppl! i'm atrating another blogg later. YAY! o wait there is no one to celebrate with cause no one is reading this!! XD silly me. :P
haha so i'm bored and i forgot my notebook at home so i have nothing to write. wow thats lame! i need a life!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay so i'll just make a list of things i want right now! XD
1.) A FREAKIN CAR PPL! hopefully a punchbuggy convertable in a bright pruple.
2.)maybe a boy friends who loves me.....maybe not. i.d.c
3.) to go far far away from frankfort, NY
4.) my life/ the world to make sence finally.
5.) i want poeple to say what they mean and stand by it.
6.) i want a really big smoothie! berry flavored babay!
7.) a hugg, i kinda feel like crying : (
8.) TEXTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Now a list of my Goals in life:
1.) Go to Northwestern University
2.) Move out asap.
3.) Become a successful writer of some kind....most likely fiction.
4.) Study forensic Anthoropology.
5.) Be successful in life and never need help.
6.) Travel the world and write my books.
7.) Fall in love and be happy XD
8.) Take chances and live life to the fullest.
Now a list of fears:
1.) CLOWNS! they scare the shit out of me!!!
2.) Snakes EWWWWWW!
3.) Spiders *see above*
4.) White Jeeps (i was hit by one)
5.) The nissan comercials where the ppl become the earth, water, sky etc....its just NOT NATURAL!!!
okay i'm done now lol ttus!

Friday, July 17, 2009

an excerpt from my diary......

hey ppl hayy!

for something new i thought i would copy a section from my diary.

here it is:

July 16th, 2009

i am s confused and uncertain.......

my thoughts are skattered like dragon flies on the lake's surface, drifting and always darting too and fro.

Jumbeled together like the pieces of a puzzel still in the box, not yet pieced together.

Broken like my poor soul, tatterd and bruised.

They all say the same words, yet i fear some say them in jest or with the emptiness of the air we breath.

*One claims to love although he rejects the strange and new. He is also a coward and a lier.

* Anther claims to love yet will not show me any affection where sightful eyes may peer.

*and the last claimed to posses a love but can only love what he sees and can control, not what is really there.

i know they all "love" in their own way, but their minds are corsetted by their failured, limitations, and lack of balance.

Two of them flaw & error in worse ways than what i've scripted. Yet th one left out of that group is oddly the one of late, i have come to love.

If the first man cannot love me for who i am and am not, then i myself cannot live my life to the extent of its boundaries.

and if the third man has to control me in order to preserve a balance, i cnnot remain serene and civil for long.

By mayhapps if that second man could brave the foul opinions of others, and show me how he really feels, than what we both know we have could grow into something real.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back Again........

Hayyy Heyyy!
I'm Back again! And this time summer is kickin ass! If i mentioned that i hated summer before.....well i'm taking it back!!! Summer freakin rox!!!!!
I just got back from camping in the finger lakes with my family. My friend Manda went with us and we had a BLAST!! We met up with my mum's best friend and her family. I finally got to meet my god-brother who is totally awesome and his younger brother (who's name will be Chace). Anyway he's so totally cute and we had a thing going while we were there.Unfourtunatly he live 6 hours away but i will still get to see him when ever we get together. I guess thats better than not at all. XD
We had an awesome time and i cried when we left. like i litterly CRIED A RIVER. Which is really unlike me, just for the record. But yeah. So i love, and am over the other 3 guys i've mentioned on here.
I guess i Really LOVE him. But......
Caio For Now!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Again & Again........!

I'm back again! Miss me much? lol : P
Okay so Now that this has been here like what.........1 week and no one is following it, i figured that i'm truly glad no one is reading this. i mean wow . haha okay so nothing much to talk about today. Other than i ran like 6 miles yesterday! YAY me!
So Newest Issue (i seem to have alot of these latley) :
Ok so i used to go out with this guy (for this purpose i'll call him Mike). We only dated for like 2 weeks because he cheated on me with one of my friends. But we've gotten past that and started talking again. I know he's trouble but he's just funny to listen to. Like i'm not even kidding you would have to hear it to believe it. anyway I'm not sure that i like him but i KNOW he likes me. He just came out of a relationship with some girl who left him for his bestfriend and i'm NOT going to Be a rebound girl EverEver!Anyway he want me to hang out with him but i'm not sure because he's notorious for moving through girls like really really fast. I don't want to take another trip down that road. NO THANK YOU! So i guess i'll just bring someone with me. Now who to bring .....who to bring. NO IDEA!
But Caio for now!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Time?

ok so i'm back again (haha not like anyone is actually reading this crapp). And i guess now that regents are over, school is closed and the weather is getting better (Not Really) it really is summer!
Honestly at the moment i could really care less because now i have WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY to much time on my hands as you can clearly see. But i have to find ways to entertain myself. Writing here is one of them i guess. ;P
So here is my newest re-occuring problem. This guy i go to school with likes me. He is really sweet and all but when ever i hang with other guys he gets all jelous and bent out of shape. I used to like him but now it a total turn off. I'm not sure how to handle it or what to say. I want to still be friends but i DON"T belong to him or any man. EVER! So now that u know whats plaugeing me..........HELP SOS! SOMEONE !!!!! ANYBODY!!!!!!! SOS!
okay that may have been a bit dramatic but hey i am who i is. lolz XD so I'd say post a comment(but no one can cause o one is reading this *laughs really hard*)!
So Ta Ta for now ppl! Peace Out!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Since no one is reading this.....

Okay, so since no one is reading this, i'm going allout. : P
Here is a list of what i look for in a guy in no specific order. : ) Here goes nothing.
♥ Honesty and Loyalty
♥ Loving and Considerate
♥ Hardworking and Responsable
♥ Creative and Expressive
♥ Likes People and Alone Time
♥ Smart and Determined
♥ Handsome but NOT Overconfident!!!
♥ Friendly and Funny
♥ Sweet and Romantic
♥ Loves me more than ANYTHING!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

♥Hey sorry I didn't finish my last post. Something came up. I can't remember if i mentioned why i started this blog by if i didn't ....well here goes nothing. : P
♥ Ok my life is crazy, complex, and most of the time annoy as all hell. But there are goo times too! Quite a few of them. ANd one of my major problems is i THINK WAYY WAYY to much. If anyone decides to read this their probally going "how is that a bad thing?" but i over think things and make it way harder than it sould be.
♥Okay so now that we have that established. LOL Anyone who reads this is welcome to comment or offer advice. Anyone at all. Unles you are a creeper then back away!!!!!!
♥Ok so Monday was my last day of school. Only we have to come back for this state wid etests called REGENTS! Freshman have to take 2. One in science and one in Math. Well There is this really hot guy in my math class. He shall remain nameless. : P but anyway i've liked him since like January. He's just a really good guy and we busted in class for talking and stuff like that all the time. So one day my best guy friend asked me if we were going out. I was really suprised. Honestly i was! he thought we were because of how the guy i like is always staring at me and how we always get in trouble. I said o and had never really noticed before. (probally because i was staring back!) But Monday we went to the computr lab and was sitting with my bff. and every time i looked up, My crush was staring at me from his seat 2 rows in front of me. Now i don't want to be the one to ask him out (mostly because the year is over and all) but what should i do? I'll see him friday for the math regents. so let me know.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

1st Post

I'm Em. I'm 15 years old and female. I just finished my freshman year in highschool yesterday and i'm SO gald it summer. i play soccer and volleyball for my school. I also am a singer and actor. Music is my life! my Ipod nano is my constant companion weither i'm in school, on a trip, or in my room. I'm single and not really lovin it and not really hating it either.